"On disoit à Socrates que quelqu'un ne s'estoit aucunement amendé en son voyage: Je croy bien, dit-il, il s'estoit emporté avecques soy."
Montaigne, Essais, I, 39: "De la solitude"

"Oh there is blessing in this gentle breeze"
William Wordsworth, The Prelude, I, 1

samedi 9 août 2014


I walked among islands and museums, under a changing but benevolent sky. Impossible to stay here only only one day - tomorrow will be spent in that wonderful city discovering more.
Thanks to Simon Schaffer for the advice to eat in a lovely place called Blå Porten, with excellent food in a nice garden, and to Renaud and Luciana, whom I met there, for subsequent invitations to Skansen, Aquaria Vattenmuseum, and Prinsens (which obviously has the best prawn salad in town).
Curses on my whimsical phone because of which I missed an encounter with my friend Nicolas, who happened to be in Stockholm at exactly the same time as me.

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