"On disoit à Socrates que quelqu'un ne s'estoit aucunement amendé en son voyage: Je croy bien, dit-il, il s'estoit emporté avecques soy."
Montaigne, Essais, I, 39: "De la solitude"

"Oh there is blessing in this gentle breeze"
William Wordsworth, The Prelude, I, 1

lundi 11 août 2014

Fittja (north of Södertälje)

It rained and rained in the morning, and that was a pretext not to leave. But when the sun began to shine, I suddenly heard the Call of the Road, despite my wish to stay in Stockholm forever.
I took a sort of shortcut (?) West through some semi-islands, nice bridges. Near there lives the Royal Family of Sweden. In Fittjo, about 25 km southwest of Stockholm, there are many people from other countries (80% of the population). There is a mosque, I'm told, from which the Friday call to prayer can be heard, unlike many others mosques which remain silent. It was built by the Turkish community.

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