"On disoit à Socrates que quelqu'un ne s'estoit aucunement amendé en son voyage: Je croy bien, dit-il, il s'estoit emporté avecques soy."
Montaigne, Essais, I, 39: "De la solitude"

"Oh there is blessing in this gentle breeze"
William Wordsworth, The Prelude, I, 1

mardi 26 août 2014

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Just a few km south of Helsingør can be found the most visited art museum in Denmark, and one understands why. The communication between the inside and the outside is such that the sea always seems accessible, as well as the magnificent old trees.
I discovered Emil Nolde.
A succession of rooms has been turned into a riverbed by Olafur Eliasson. That made me extremely happy, and not only me, my only regret being that on such a small rivulet it is impossible to skim stones.
And even Le Corbusier can be turned into LEGOs...

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