"On disoit à Socrates que quelqu'un ne s'estoit aucunement amendé en son voyage: Je croy bien, dit-il, il s'estoit emporté avecques soy."
Montaigne, Essais, I, 39: "De la solitude"

"Oh there is blessing in this gentle breeze"
William Wordsworth, The Prelude, I, 1

dimanche 11 novembre 2012

Cambridge - Wimpole Hall - Cambridge

30 km full of sun
We went there down an A road, not very fun but quite straight (former Roman road). Laurence had a mudguard problem, solved with wire. We were there in no time.

Huuuuge beech
Pseudo-gothic tower, Sanderson Miller
And we saw trees! Yews (everywhere), beeches, many species of walnut, sequoias, (baby) spindles, planes... and apple-trees...

Laurence hidden behind apples
Charles Bridgeman + Cap. Brown

Had lunch in the sun, then headed home (wind back!)