"On disoit à Socrates que quelqu'un ne s'estoit aucunement amendé en son voyage: Je croy bien, dit-il, il s'estoit emporté avecques soy."
Montaigne, Essais, I, 39: "De la solitude"

"Oh there is blessing in this gentle breeze"
William Wordsworth, The Prelude, I, 1

samedi 27 octobre 2012

Cambridge - Great Gidding - Cambridge

I wanted to go to Burghley House, which is just north of Peterborough, this week-end being the last occasion before spring (they close in winter). So, fueled by excellent bengali chicken and kheer from the previous night (thanks Eshan and Parth), I got up early and was ready at 8.30.
My bike wasn't, though. Its rear wheel was punctured...
Reparing in Blue Boar Basement... Well, still better than on the road.
Half an hour to repair, late start. Then I began cycling, following Regional Route 24. I saw beautiful and unknown berries.
Much thatch.
It's very sunny after all those misty days. It is also very cold and my hands are numb and my feet ache. I had some tea to keep warm. (I have to find better gloves).

An then I had before me the autumnal splendor of Cambridgeshire. This tree was so beautiful that I wanted to congratulate its owner, but I found no one.

And in Godmanchester, an old bridge jouxting a smaller one for bikes
The Great Ouse! One day I will follow her to the sea.
The Great Ouse
The wind has been blowing against me since the beginning, but it's getting stronger. My pace is not very fast, about 18km/h, and there are gusts of wind. In Huntingdon, before taking National Route 12, I eat a sandwich which makes me more hungry and another sandwich which makes things better. There's a nice church there. It's also the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell...
All Saints Church
Wind blowing stronger and stronger. A nice ford:
Notice the bike on the right
It's ok when I'm more or less in town, where the wind is somehow checked, but soon I'm riding in the open, and I realize it will be very difficult to get to Burghley House before the end of the afternoon, because with that wind I ride at 10km/h pushing quite hard. After ten minutes of hard work, I stop and ask, why all this toil and trouble? I did 50km with the wind in my face, why not do 50km more with Aeolus' benediction?
So, on this road, I did a U-turn and it felt so good to reach suddenly 40km/h on flat land...
Here I decided to keep Burghley House for next spring. You can't really see the wind on the picture, but it's there.
And then it was paradise for some time, wind in my back and sun on my head. That was before the rain... I guess my new raincoat needed to be baptized.

Cows sharing my sorry plight
Rain/sun/rain/sun, "British weather,", says another cyclist. "It's ok I'm used to it".
I'm very wet but such sights comfort me.
 Dazzling things
Back to Green Street's cobbles. My bike and I are very muddy. It's back in te basement, and I should wash it now... Muddy crusts... Hum I will wait for some sunshine.

samedi 20 octobre 2012

Cambridge - Audley End - Cambridge

67 km, with Laurence.
Grey cloud.
Following Cycling Route 11 except when we got lost...
A very comfortable place where we had (second) breakfast, Great Shelford.
White cloud, then sunshine...
A very nice little church

Following paths and roads, eyes open for Cycling Route 11 signs... Open roads
Suddenly on our left, Audley End
"Capability" Brown gardens. Nice ha-ha. Plaster ceilings. "Fish Room". Robert Adam.

strange-shaped bushes
Then back
Faster than the other way round
concept of river-road

Interesting encounters
cows drinking
 Some blackberries. Have to hurry before sunset.
Laurence and DNA
Sunset on Addenbrooke's Hospital
Back in Cambridge, in the night.

lundi 15 octobre 2012

Cambridge - Ely - Cambridge

13/10/2012, 63km
Took me some time to prepare the bike, only started at 9 or so.
Flat country (fens around).
Weather: grey cloud.

not much light

An interesting garden at Histon:
metal creatures
Road B1049, fine but not exhilarating. In Wilburton, T junction, I went right on the A1123, then just after turned left in Station Road.
Very nice from then on, until Ely passing through Witchford. Just as I'm a bit hungry, fruit-laden blackberry bushes come up on the side of the road...
 Enough sugar to reach Ely, and the cathedral!
Charity display in the transept, a sign that it's time to have lunch.
plenty (II)
It's definitely fall now...
Lunch, and then back. Sun came at last. Didn't get lost. :)